Climate change and Justice
As a church we recognise the need to care for our planet and we have adopted this declaration to remind us as we go about our life together as a church
Climate change and justice declaration
We acknowledge that:
What the Lord requires of us is “To seek justice, love mercy and walk humbly with our God” Micah 6 v 8
God is unselfish love, merciful, full of compassion and passionate about justice and has commissioned us to care for his creation and for one another as people made in the image of God
The world is facing a severe climate and environmental crisis, this is contributing to rising global hunger and poverty. The main cause of the crisis is human activity and is inextricably linked to human injustices and inequalities
As Christians we:
Have a mandate to speak out and declare the truth, especially to speak out against injustices and inequalities for those without a voice
Are called to act and mitigate the effects of climate change and to show love to our neighbours around the planet
Are to act with hope, and witness to the goodness of God in creation
We commit ourselves to:
Examine ourselves individually and corporately in relation to fulfilling our commission to be good stewards of creation, to seek justice, love mercy and love our neighbours near and far
Encourage one another to make lifestyle changes
Encourage and support action on this crisis in our neighbourhoods and using influence to bring about positive action by local and national government, and by corporations
You can also click the link to download our declaration.